Monday, March 14, 2011



This one is beautiful -
inside AND out.

Happy birthday,
precious daughter.


A Christmas Wish (come true!)

At the top of JSS's Christmas list 2010
was to spend a whole day fishing
with his Dad.

His dream came true this past Saturday
as Simon and he went fly fishing
at the TFFC from 9am-4pm!

There were several fly fishing organizations
represented there on Saturday, but since
they are both already Texas Certified Fly
Fishers, they got to spend most of the day
enjoying the sport they so love...together.

(JSS asked Mom to pray that he would
catch a lot of fish - and God allowed
him to catch 10! He also had 3 other
big ones on the line, but alas, they
got away. He was elated with his 10 and
content to tell the tales of the three that got away.)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

AWANA Summit: AMS's Photography Entry

By Any Other Name

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12.27 (NIV)

Roses, in my opinion, are the most beautiful of all the flowers. And when I think that the Creator of the whole entire universe took such care making them, placing them in fields and making sure that they get sunlight and rain, in a way it’s extremely comforting. In our lives with work, school and the same routine we start to feel utterly insignificant, but then we take a moment to think: God takes such good care of just a simple plant. So how much more is He going to take care and pay attention to us. He is going to take pride in us, His children, the reason He sent His son to die on the cross. It’s amazingly comforting to know that we’ve got The God on our side, watching out for us.

Job at JBU : Surprise Visit en route to AWANA Summit

City Parks